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Shotgun Angel framed!

Hi all y’all,

Thanks to my daughter, Katy, Shotgun Angel is framed  in the wood that I want for her. I cut one side too short and we replaced it with another piece of screen door. I thought I had wrecked the frame, but no.

I am still looking for 2 skeleton keys to hang from the door handle.

Shotgun Angel framed
Shotgun Angel framed

I think I might lighten the sky a little in the darker parts… sitting with that idea for a while.

In the last 2 weeks, 2 women told me that they wanted to paint, but don’t. I would like to tell anyone that wants to paint:

Show up.

Start anywhere.

Keep painting.

I have taken classes on and off through the years. I got serious about painting when I took a class from Shiloh Sophia of the Cosmic Cowgirls. She empowers women and teaches a spiritual side of painting.

I learned how to draw proportional bodies from Jane Davenport.

If I am having a problem, I sometimes watch a YouTube tutorial.

A drawing class at the local junior college helps teach you how to see objects by their lines and curves. Wherever you see your next place to grow, go there.

For inspiration, I take a class called Lifebook from Tam Laporte. It is only $99 a year and you get weekly on-line tutorials from different artists.

If you want to paint, paint.

It can save your soul.

It can save the world.

With ever-loving gratitude,

Gator Girl

P.S. It is OK to spend money on paint.


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My Mentor, My Love

Hi all y’all,

I need to write 2 distinct blogs on this beautiful day in October. I have  been consciously putting off adding Shiloh Sophia to my list of Artists I Adore. I don’t believe I can do her justice. Today, I decided to offer my best and that will be enough.

Shiloh changed my life. She helped be to discover my dream and gave me the tools to get there. Shiloh is the founder of Cosmic Cowgirls. The idea came to her when she was just a girl. She has always wanted to empower and connect women. One thing that I remember vividly is when she needed two other women to help her run her growing business, she painted 3 women standing together. The perfect women showed up in the perfect time.

When I wanted to move to New Orleans, I started painting alligators. Alligators were all I wanted to paint for 2 years. To me alligators were the symbol and the means to adventure.

One of the classes I took with Shiloh was called Leading a Legendary Life. It was a 6 month Internet course that we begged Shiloh to continue for a year. In that course, we painted the 4 directions of our life. My Southern direction was Louisiana, being an Artist and living in New Orleans. My Northern direction were my Roots and my desire to stay connected to my family. Eastern was health. In the East, I was led to a group where I released 100 pounds. My Western direction turned into Vacation and Travel as California would no longer be my home. All of the canvases came to life.

Since this is a blog and not a book, I will let you follow Shiloh’s link  to learn more.

Part II

I am painting a family from the other side of life. The happy family is dancing in the moonlight. I love celebrating Dio De Los Muertos, the Day of the Dead. I will include a picture of my altar at the end of the month.

Dancing in the Moonlight, in progress

I am taking an online class from Jane Davenport. I am feeling more confident painting bodies. I am also trying some new techniques. I rolled a thick coat of Liquitex Professional Heavy Body Phthalocyanine Blue over the whole canvas. Next, I brushed in swirls.  The moon is painted on dry gel medium applied with a motel key card. Swiping the card made some nice grooves. For the girl’s tights, I used a trick I learned on Pinterest. I put a nail in the eraser part of a pencil and used the head of the nail to make black polka dots. I am going to apply a shiny fabric, that used to be  a gift bag for bath products, over the mother’s dress and the girls tights using acrylic varnish. I think the fabric will seem a little other worldly and add some shine and movement.

I am going to say good-bye now. I trust that if you need Shiloh in your life, you will find her. She is a genius for helping you to realize your dreams.

If you have your dream, carry it, nurture it, speak it, do something towards it every day.

With unreasonable love and an open heart,

Gator Girl

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Gator Girl Launch on January 7, 2012

Happy New Year!

2012 has started off ridiculously wonderful for everyone I have talked to. My sister-in-law is a brand new citizen of the United States. My daughters both got great LSAT scores. Katy got two job offers and free health care. I hope that 2012 is going the same for you. This will be one of the few times that I might have trouble keeping the blog short and sweet.

The opening of Gator Girl art was a ginormous success. I wanted a reverse retirement party. I wanted to feel viable in the world of art. I believe that celebrations and rituals are important. The act of ritual begins or ends something. I am going to tell you what worked, so you can have your own celebration of whatever you want to begin.

My sister and her boyfriend came from California to New Orleans to help. My brother coincidentally flew from Argentina for a job out of Houma the day before. So already it was amazing. We went to the Green Project to find some reclaimed wood to make frames for 3 of the paintings.

Making Frames
Angie, Jan and me looking at a shutter frame.
Working in my pajamas.
Framing in my pajamas. An artist perk.
table display
Framed Gator in Entry

The above picture is of the entry table. On the right is my bio and artist statement. I put postcards by each painting that talk about the subject. On the piece of wood, sitting on a tiny easel, is a statement saying that 10% of  all proceeds from the sale of Gator Girl Art goes to rebuilding  parks and green spaces in New Orleans. Next to that is a bamboo box with my business cards. On a pink clipboard is a sign-in sheet for names and emails. Last but not least, is the painting Laughing Out Loud, framed in water-damaged, reclaimed wood. I am happy to say that this gator has a new home in New Orleans. I think it is important to have original art available for sale, so I learned from Shiloh Sophia to offer my original paintings for 1/3 down and you can take it home and pay $100 a month. I like the energy that comes with original art.

We had red beans and rice, seafood gumbo, drinks, king cake and chocolate chip cookies. I bought this really cool cheddar cheese that had sage running through it and made it look like an alligator. There was more food, but this is what I would serve again.

I am working on a new painting to donate to the Pussy Footer’s Ball. I am having so much fun painting it. I will show you very soon, because I am working on a deadline.

Waiting for Dinner
Waiting for Dinner, another piece we framed
Were You There

I am including Were You There to show how important placement is. I didn’t like this painting as much before I put it up over the fireplace on a light-colored wall. I really like it now. I am going to frame most or all the art that I still have since the launch. I like how the frames look and I think people here, versus people in California like and maybe expect a frame.

That is all for now. I hope if you are celebrating something in your life that you would like to share with the world, this was helpful. If you came to my opening, thank you so much for supporting me. If you are following my blog, it warms my heart.

With abundant love,

Gator Girl